ngantuk, lapar giler..
tak sempat nk breakfast, even a glass of milk pun xsempat :P
skang tgh kelas CALL, mr S x masuk lg. heheh. curik2 on9. lm dah xupdate blog.
CIE tadi we had quite an interesting discussion on the issue of PPSMI implementation in schools throughout the nation.what do we, as future teachers think about it?
A.samad said came to our college today (i think he's still in the college) to give a talk on national language.
honestly, i dont hold any grudge against those who fight against PPSMI implementation. yes, in any approaches or programmes, we have pros and cons of it.
but to really judge that English in science and math is a pain in the ass or as we often said 'students of rural areas unable to learn and be comfortable learning these subjects using englsih' as our excuse to stop this programme is unfair and an injustice to the development to our education system and to the growth of aour nation.
i share the same opinion as ZAinul Ariffin in his article in today's NST 'Every language has a role to play'
i would like to highlight some lines from the article.
"First, the position of the national language -- which we all admit is important and must be a cornerstone of our nationhood. As Malaysians, we should all be proficient in Bahasa Malaysia. There are no two ways about it.
Second, the importance of English -- and how it will add to the national competitiveness. Right now we teach the two subjects in English not only to have pupils access knowledge easier, but to give them more confidence and ease with it.
We acknowledge the importance of both, and we must try to accommodate both. It should not be a zero sum game where we choose one over the other"
i do believe that, implementing PPSMI does not mean that we'll entirely disregard our Bahasa Melayu as our national language. like Ariffiin said, we acknowledge and accommodate both languages for the sake of enhancing and improving our nation better. my lecturer Mr R had once quoting our Minister of Education to say that Malaysia is 'a nation at school'. meaning that, a vast population of our citizen is currently at school. therefore PPSMI is a crucial issue that need to be dealt wisely as it concerns millions of our future generation. this should not be mixed with politics or racial sentiments. think about our nation's future.i may not a credible person to say much, but as one of the future generation, i would like to say this to those who are concerned:
dont deprieve us of the chance of learning and grabbing as much knowledge as we can. We uphold our national language, we sustain language of information age. we maintain our roots, we boost our aptitude.
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