Saturday, February 28, 2009

FINALLY... the truth.

the truth.
always hurt.
ntah lah, aku serius tak tau nk ckp ape lg.
ape dh tak ade ke org dlm dunia ni yg jujur?
jujur dgn hati?
jujur dgn perasaan?
jujur dgn sesama insan?
jujur dgn iman?
jujur dgn Allah?

this moment, sedang aku turunkn jr satu per satu atas papan kekunci ni,
hakikat yg sebenar terus merobek2.



well, kata org itu lah dunia.
we choose our own path,
and our choice leads us to where we are. right now.

"Blame no one but yourself for this, lost soul!
I feared it would be so that day we met
Long since, and you were changed. And i said then,
He will forget, he will forget."
Robert Frost, 'Warning'


  1. itulah dunia..yup..dats rite :-)
    sumtimes we r up (and we'r kicked away), and sumtimes we r down (and others will step on our head..)

  2. salam,nice blog..
    we choose our path but God sumtimes lead it accordingly to our ability...
    biasa lah,dugaan-Nya..
    be strong k...chaiyok2
