Monday, October 18, 2010

nikmat yang tidak dihargai ....

lebam dan bengkak. merah dan biru.

bonjol dan benggol, senget dan tersimpul.

di perbaringan, mata terlekat, rapat.

terlepas lelahan kuat, terhembus nafas yang tersekat.

terasa nikmat yg tak terucap.

mata rasa berpinar, bahu terasa pijar.

kaki terjulur lemah longlai, tangan terhulur tak tergapai....

kadangkala terasa berdosa sekali, bila nikmat yang satu ini tidak disyukuri.

akan kah kekal pemberianNya yang satu ini, bila si hamba tidak menyesali?

mahu ku lari ke dada langit,

mencari gemersik suara kekasih,

alunan merdu sang bayu menggamit,

jiwa insan meratap, merintih.



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ayam penyet, oh ayam penyet..

semalam adalah hari yang sungguh memenatkan. oh silap, sebenarnya 2 bulan kebelakangan ni (dan beberapa bulan yg seterusnya) adalah (dan bakal) bulan yg meletihkan badan dan otak. mata dh mcm panda, muka dh kuar jerawat sana sini, badan makin melidi *sigh* aku xtau aa nk kata apa, bila mkn byk, berat nek. tapi semudah itu juga laa berat aku turun. masalahnya, bila turun berat tu, makin teruk aaa melidi badan aku. bila naik berat, berisi nya x nmpak sgt.

ok, cukup la pasal berat. semalam sepatutnya aku kuar berjumpa dgn encik H.One, tapi terpaksa kensel sbb Faiz ajak setelkn hal2 penting yg ttangguh. sedih gak, sbb dlm kepala ni dh set mcm2 nk berbual, nak sepak kaki dia, nak dengki, mcm2 lg la :) [mesti awk kecik ati dengan saya kan? sorry!] kebetulan pulak semalam dia cuti [agak skola tu xde budak amik b.tamil dgn b.cina ke?? xaci btol!] dan aku lak stil kene jaga pekse. balik dr skolah, settlekan apa yg patut, take a nap for a while (skang ni pantang letak kepala, kompem lelap!) main2 dgn myra, take a quick lunch, trus pi bersiap2 nk kuar. ikutkan badan ni, letih ya Rabbi, tapi kenangkan mcm 2 lg xsetel (pd hal tarikh dh dekat) "haish, runsinglah!" (ala2 gaya najib atok ckp, hehe) gagahkn juga. lewat petang tu, bila dh selesai urusan yg nk disetelkn, perut mulalah bkeroncong. "mana mau mkn ye?" asik2 fast food, bosan gak. bukan elok sgt pon mkn slalu. so kebetulan time tu di Aeon Melaka,singgah mkn baskin jap, lepas rindu kat Choc mint :P dhabes je, trus pi tesco sbb decided nk try ayam penyet AP yg baru bukak (baru jgk laa).

i'm not really fond of the dish, but i actually intended to make comparison between dis one and ayam penyet limbongan (area Mydin MITC) that i frequented. tetibe nk jd food kritik lak, haha. so both of us ordered the ayam penyet dish (ade byk dishes len, tp kali ni amik satu je) ok2, setelah selesai mkn, both faiz and i agreed on several matters (apsal skema sgt ni??)

1) Price

ok, org slalu nk tgk price mkanan brapa. bukan nk kata apa, setengah org tu xkisah mkn mahal2, tapi pd aku, mcm deciding factor jgk la :P

in terms of price, both Ayam penyet AP (AP) and ayam penyet Limbongan (APL) have reasonable price for their dishes. maybe AP is slightly (only slight) cheaper, but not much. so, 1st factor, passed!

2) Presentation

in terms of presentation, AP uses round ceramic bowls with daun pisang for their dishes and nasi putih in a separate plate (different price, not counted as one). the dishes are served without any garnishing, as you can see below.

yup, that's all. and the plate with the nasi, only have the nasi, round shape (mcm style nasi ayam yg acuan dlm mangkuk tu). giler nmpak lonely btol pinggan tu, unattractive! (tlupa amik gambar plak sbb dish sampai je trus serang. starving!) the dish ade letak serbuk warna coklat (dunno what, mcm ala2 serunding, tp rangup - see pic. clockwise, item 2)

APL, on the other hand, serve the dishes in a rattan-woven tray-like thing, also with daun pisang, another tray of white rice (price counted as one dish), a bowl of sambal and a bowl of soup. (also xde gambr, aiseh! xleh jd critics la!) therefore, the presentation is much more organised, more space required on the table but also means more in quantity for each item!

verdict: APL wins! sbb ade soup, AP xde. pastu APL lebih menarik presentation nya :)

3) quality & quantity

in terms of quantity, each outlet has d same item for the dish (except for that brown 'serbuk' for AP n soup for APL). so we looked at the size. haha! AP serves a smaller potion of chicken than APL's. uish, ayam tu penting tu! i found that i could finish the AP dish quicker than i could APL's (xtau aa kalau aku mmg tgh kebuur ke, haha) APL's ayam penyet mmg biasanya aku xabes sbb kenyang.

in terms of taste, AP's chicken a bit dry (maybe dis one overcooked) but APL's a bit ok la. besar sket, so puas sket mkn. but AP's sambal, wow! mmg pedas! sambal APL sedap, tapi xpedas sgt. so kat sini, a bit subjective. sapa suka pedas, AP's d answer. kalau x, APL la :)

verdict: APL menang sket, heheh

4) drinks

at AP, most of the drinks (i think semua laa) are ice-blended type. so, kalau korang mmg type xtahan pedas mcm aku, mmg suffer sket aa. minum ice blended xbrapa sesuai kot, xmampu kurangkn rs pedas :)

tapi ice-blended dia sedap :) i recommend sour pop with blueberry (dgr nama pon mcm best kan?) but with ONE condition: you must hv SWEET TOOTH :P manis btol geng! aku yg kuat gula pon terasa manis nye, lagi2 bila ais start cair.

APL serves a wider range of drinks. i never really tried many, cos i always opted for air epal kasturi eh, tu secret recipe punye. air apa ek? asam boi wit kasturi kot? (itu kot nama dia. lupa plak! heheh) with traces of lime, honey and asam boi, mmg sedap kalau kene time pedas :) lagi satu drinks yg aku penah try, adalh KOPI 3 RASA (tu pon xpasti namanya, aiseh..) kopi tu mula2 di serve, ada 3 lapisan. jgn tya aku ape bendanya sbb aku pon xtanya. but i figure they shud be a layer of coffee liquid, cream and gula melaka syrup. sape2 yg suka minum cendol, shud try dis one :)

verdict: APL! cos they hav wider range of drinks : korang bleh try mana2 g aku xtry, then bgtau aku. aku leh tambah review kat sini.

so, dari yg di atas, aku rasa korang pon tahu sapa yg better kan? apepun, tu bdasarkan pndapat n tekak aku la :P for those in tangkak n melaka area, go n try them urself. ok?:)

AYAM PENYET AP is situated in TESCO MElaka while AYAM PENYET LIMBUNGAN can be found at Mydin MITC area, or more accurately at KOTA FESYEN, bersebelahan dgn kedai perabot btentangan dgn mydin tu. org kene tgk btol2, cos they have wooden curtain drawns at the entrance. kalau tak ye, mmg xperasan.

ok, thats all for now. c ya later!