Sunday, August 23, 2009

Teacher, Teacher

teacher, teacher, don't be dumb!
give me back my bubble gum!

teacher, teacher, i declare,
tarzan lost his underwear!

teacher, teacher, don't be mean,
give me a dime for the coke machine!


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ahlan ya Ramadhan!

"SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADHAN AL-MUBARAK. semoga ramadhan kali ini lebih bermakna dan penuh rahmah..."

Mr M : Tq..same wish to you.
Mr I : Tq dear. The same goes to you.
Mdm F : Ya. selamat berpuasa juga n tq sbb masih ingat kcik d cni.
Ili : selamat berpuasa kakak
Q : Same goes to u!
Princess : wslm tintun. sok pose jgn mkn nc greng tghari plak taw
Gugu : Sesiapa yg senang dgn ktibaan ramadan, maka jasadnya dharamkn Allah drpd api neraka..
? : Slamat berpuasa... jgn lupe tarawikh mlm nie...
Awin : Salam. slmt menjalani ibadah puasa n smoga kita mendapat keberkatannya.
Pana : Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa & epi holiday
Abg Izwan : heheh ingat lg ye... tharu plak... selamat berpuasa ye..
Farra : slamat menyambut ramadhan al-barakah. semoga mendapat berkat+rhmat dariNya. Miss u guys a lot.
Paan Girl : Same la kt. selamat b'puasa : )
Laney : anak ayam naik kuda, esok puasa jgn lupa! .... rjn2 g terawih k...
Sanda : selamat berpuasa..
One : Salam Ramadhan 1430H. Maaf dpohon ats segala slh slp yg tlh dlakukan..
k. Ina : ...tambah2 kn la ibadah, smoga diberkati slalu...
Hanin : happy fasting month. May d almighty bless us.
Akid : hrap2 awk puasa pnuh thun ni. hehe
Madam : May Allah's blessings b w u & all those u love on the Holy month of Ramadhan & always...
saadah : salam Ramadhan al mubarak..

TESLIAN guys on the dance floor!

"... the crowd's getting louder and louder. the tension is sure high for the next dance group.. they have yet to announce which group is it after this, but C2 girls would definitely want to see the boys performing on stage since this is quite a rare scene to be able to see them dancing...
on the front, acippa begins the whole choreography with solo performance, followed by bard with his outstanding hip hop (??) dance moves... but the one who steals the limelight seems to be uncle lan, with his back-hand spring to end the whole performance..."

sounds ridiculous? it is! hahaha, ni cuma sedutan yg aku 'amik' dari mimpi aku tadi. tak mungkin budak2 tu boleh dance dgn baik, hahaha. aku dh kenal lama depa ni. dorang bleh menari, tapi taklah sedahsyat yg aku tgk dalam mimpi tadi... heheheh. looks like i'm missing these guys a lot, seeing them in the dreams makes it a lot more like i'm meeting them for real.

hari ni hari pertama puasa, so kepada semua kawan2 TESL Cohort 2, walau dimana jua kalian berada, aku nk ucapkan SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADAN AL MUBARAK. maaflah, tak dapat nk anta msg kat semua orang, xde duit lagi nk bayar bil :)

and at this moment, i'm missing u guys and fasting in kelantan a lot more...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

my life as a teacher now...

lama betul aku tak update blog ni. tak berkesempatan nak menulis :) maklumlah, komitmen sebagai guru menuntut masa dan kosentrasi yang berpanjangan.
Alhamdulillah, buat masa ni, aku kiranya dah 'sah' jadik seorang cikgu kat sebuah sekolah di pagoh, johor. life is not that great, but i'm willing to brave it years more to really feel what it is like to be a teacher. honestly, i do believe that one cannot truly called themselves a teacher, as long as they are not able to understand and 'live' it with passion, and withstand all the obstacles and hardship by being one.

my life everyday begins as early as 530 in the morning. I wake up, and then getting ready to school as lively, cheerful and energetic as i can. at 630 am, i drive to school for about half an hour and arrive at around seven. the journey sometimes can be a bit boring (cause around that time, there arent many cars around the highway except for lorries, and i have to speed past them to avoid getting caught in between) so, only songs keep me company along the way to school.

arriving there, i clock in, and head to the staff room to get ready with books, notes, appearance, basically, with everything before beginning the class. most of the days, i start my first class at around 9 the earliest since i got only 4 periods a day, 10-12 in a week. (at the moment ye! next month tukar jadual lg) i got only 4 classes; 3G, 3E, 4G and 5I to teach. i teach English, civics and arts to these classes and my! what a challenge it is to teach these subjects :) For English, i don't have problem except for finding correct methods to cater for different levels among the students. And as for Civics and Arts, i am completely clueless! heheh. Dulu zaman skola memang tak suka seni sangat2, Sivik pulak masih tak wujud zaman aku skola dulu. *sigh* pening jugak nak ajar tuh!

nevertheless, i try with the best of my abilities to teach my students. my real passion is English, so wherever i go, i promotes the use of english as a second language to my students. many of them ask me how to really like and learn the language without having to struggle or being bothered too much by it. my reply is: "When you genuinely like something, you wont be feeling troubled ot bothered by it at all. try to like English before learning it. you'll be surprised at how different it feels when u learn something u truly like."

i would not want to say that English is easy, but learning something with passion make it way more enjoyable than without one. that is what i believe. i'm not good with English myself, but i'm willing to go to many extent to improve myself on the language. responding to many people saying that English is the language of colonization (i had encountered this once), i think there is nothing wrong with people learning different kind of languages as long as they know what is good for them. The foundation of learning itself is good. so, why must we be afraid of learning if u can improve or benefit from it? those who hide behind this lame excuse of 'language of the colonization' are cowards and losers (pardon my harshness). Rasulullah SAW pun menggalakan umatnya tuntut ilmu, 'tuntutlah ilmu sampai ke negeri China'. so there is no discrimination to what you can or want to learn. just dont lose your faith and beliefs as Muslims.
well, well. i think i wrote enough for now. i really wish to put on some pics like others (it makes the entry more 'attracting' kan?) but i dont have any camera, apatah lagi, handphone ku hanya sebuah nokia 3100 yg lama (tapi penuh jasa!). soon enough, i hope to be able to upload some :)
before that, good luck to all my fellow TESLIAN friends out there. semoga kita semua berjaya menjadi seorang guru yang istiqamah dalam menyebarkan ilmu untuk kebaikan umat di seluruh muka bumi Allah ini. Tabahkan dirimu, cekalkan tekadmu dan kukuhkan azammu, inilah jihad kita di jalanNya. semoga Allah SWT akan terus memberkati perjuangan kita, insyaAllah!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

breaking down

1: " ats moto. xsmpat nk msg suh tgk... huhu.."
1: "Br blk mkn. ms pg, xnmpk blan. sbb dlm otak trbyg mknn je..haha..smlm ujan.xdpt nk tgk.."
1: "Nape?truk sgt ke level?"
1: "Lek2 dl..jgn r dwnheartd sgt.take tym 2 get 2 noe wut thy like,apa approach previous teacher,etc.mse prac dl, stdnts laen kn...huhu...insyaallah..u cn get thru dis."
2: "Aigo.. Aku rs sbb ko tak cantik kot! Sbb tu bdk2 tanak blaja dgn ko! ;P Tgk aku dgn P***. Berebut2 bdk2 nak srh masuk kelas! Ko mmg b**** yg gagal! Aku rasa ko kna start dr basic la. Cb cr diorang minat apa, pastu guna dlm kelas. Mcm jadikan Naruto sbg maskot dlm kelas ke... Or guna lagu dlm kelas ke..."
2: "Aish! It's too early to give up! Kan kita belajaq mcm2 time TESL dulu. Cb cr balik lesson plan dulu2, mesti ada yg bole guna punya. Ganbatte! Jgn mengalah!"
and as i' about too fall, there are always goodhearted people who believes in me and supported me...
[thanks to 1 n q]

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

the lesson

Chaos ruled OK in the classroom
as bravely the teacher walked in
the hooligans ignored him
his voice was lost in the din
"The theme for today is violence
and homework will be set
I'm going to teach you a lesson
one that you'll never forget"
He picked on a boy who was shouting
and throttled him then and there
then garrotted the girl behind him
(the one with grotty hair)
Then sword in hand he hacked his way
between the chattering rows
"First come, first severed" he declared
"fingers, feet or toes"
He threw the sword at a latecomer
it struck with deadly aim
then pulling out a shotgun
he continued with his game
The first blast cleared the backrow
(where those who skive hang out)
they collapsed like rubber dinghies
when the plug's pulled out
"Please may I leave the room sir?"
a trembling vandal enquired
"Of course you may" said teacher
put the gun to his temple and fired
The Head popped a head round the doorway
to see why a din was being made
nodded understandingly
then tossed in a grenade
And when the ammo was well spent
with blood on every chair
Silence shuffled forward
with its hands up in the air
The teacher surveyed the carnage
the dying and the dead
He waggled a finger severely
"Now let that be a lesson" he said
Roger McGough